The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which invited people from across the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”.

Thousands of people across the UK have planted trees to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and you can view all the planting locations on the QGC Map.
Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group plants lots of trees across the Manhood Peninsula every year and we are very pleased to announce that some of our large-scale planting initiatives have been added to the QGC. Open the map and zoom in on the Manhood Peninsula area to see where trees have been added to the Queen's Green Canopy.

If you were one of our volunteers who helped to plant the trees then - Thank you! If you'd like to "Plant a Tree for the Jubilee" then it's not too late, but you'll need to wait until the next tree planting season which starts in October.

As well as inviting the planting of new trees, The Queen’s Green Canopy will dedicate a network of 70 Ancient Woodlands across the United Kingdom and identify 70 Ancient Trees to celebrate Her Majesty’s 70 years of service.

Planting native trees creates habitat for wildlife, helps improve local biodiversity, contributes to fighting climate change, improves air quality, and helps reduce flooding and soil erosion, not to mention the benefits trees can bring to our mental and physical well-being. We are delighted that Her Majesty chose to mark the Platinum Jubilee by encouraging us all to plant more trees!