Southern Water Biodiversity Grant funded - Hedging Our Future Project
We have been fortunate to receive another grant from Southern Water's Biodiversity Fund. This will allow us to continue with planting hedges across the landscape of the Manhood Peninsula.
The parishes of North Mundham (covering South Mundham and Runcton too) and Hunston have been chosen for this planting effort as we have had some interest by farmers and communities.
The planting of the trees will take place between November and February when the ground is at its wettest. In the meantime we will be carrying out research on the hedges in the area using old tithe maps and working out the best places to plant our trees. We will also be growing on our young trees in our tree nurseries and applying for free trees and funds to buy in locally grown trees.
Don't put your spades away as we are going to need your help with planting in winter 2024! This is a really satisfying activity and we live by the motto that there is no such thing as bad weather - just the wrong clothing!! One tree in the ground will make a difference so any time you can give is really helpful.
There is always lots of cake available and we have fun!
National Hedgerow week 2024 - ConnectivityIt is National Hedgerow week 6th - 12th May 2024 and a chance to recognise these biodiversity hotspots that often get overlooked and unloved but are all around us. There are lots of talks about hedgerows on the Hedgelink website to celebrate these important wildlife corridors. |